September 9, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God speaks to us in Jeremiah 29:11, telling us that “He knows the plans he has for us” today and every day we are alive. God is in control.

As you step out today, making your plans for living another day on this planet, remember, Who the One is that orchestrates every event in our lives? Sometimes, the day will go great, with everything peaceful in your world, but there could be this day that things just won’t seem to fall into place whatsoever. Either way it goes, remember this…God has a plan for you through it all.

God expects the unexpected, and He will handle it.

It is essential at all times to stay in communication with God throughout your day. Don’t try to figure out or manipulate your issues when and if things go sideways in your day. Just trust God, pray and know in advance that His plan will work out best for you. He’s already on it. Give Him your worry and concern if it arises.

Although the enemy may search us out as that roaring lion seeking someone to devour, God has you, no matter what! You belong to your Father, God. He sees it all and knows the destroyer is after you, and HE will intersect as He wills; He is your Protector. 

Simply trust God through your day, thank Him in advance for the moments you breathe and those breaths ahead that keep you alive, and know all His plans for you are so good.  ❤️