September 6, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God tells us to come to Him like a child who has a faith that they would trust what a parent says to them, as in a mom or dad who love them. That child knows without doubt they will keep their word and mean what they say. They trust with “child-like” faith.

When I was little and I was told things about who God was. I trusted with all my heart that what my family told me about God and Jesus and where He lived in heaven was true. Unfortunately, there are those that don’t tell their children truths buts that’s another topic. 

Thankfully, what I trusted with child-like faith carried into adulthood as true.

God tells all of us as adults that where His promises are concerned, we need to revert to our “child-like trust” that believes everything we are told.

With God, we can be certain of the outcome. With God, we can know beyond doubt He won’t steer us wrong.

“No matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Child-like faith doesn’t just happen, it takes a conscious effort to trust God. The more we receive from God in growth of His word, the more our confidence in Him grows. If we resort to reason of doubt when it comes to God working in us, then we are saying God’s character is not who He says He is.

Believe in what you pray for like a child. Have Faith and trust fully. Watch God move mountains on your behalf. Trust in the Lord with all heart as Proverbs 3:5-6 tell us to do! Lay your weight down or whatever you are carrying right this minute and go to God with child-like faith that He can do the impossible.