September 5,2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


It is important to be yoked with women who walk closely with God and maintain accountability with one who you trust. (Wise counselors give good advice about confronting the enemy, but unwise counselors bring trouble to the king and the nation.)

The more wise counselors a believer can rely on, the stronger and richer their life is. Their lives are steered in the right direction. Our relationships with them will help contribute to our success. Accountability results from having close relationships with strong believers who are themselves accountable to other strong believers. 

We are all capable of being deceived. We all have blind spots. We need others who will help us see truth about us and our lives and watch our back. It’s important. I love my accountability partners, they keep me in check!

The enemy wants to keep you away from your Spiritual family because he knows you won’t succeed.

“Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety”.  (Proverbs 11:14) 

This verse encourages us to seek advice from others, and suggests that we are more likely to reach a good conclusion when we do…

God created you to be connected with those who could love you, guide you, and direct you in His name. Please find them “personally” and have a pack to help guard your life! 🩷🩷🩷