Guest Writer: Dana Cryer – Don’t miss her WWL podcast story which Aires this Monday, Aug 30. Dana shares about being kidnapped at age 5, sexually abused, and tormented for many years by her kidnapper until found at age 11. A nationwide story you won’t ever forget!
Also, urgent prayer requests just in for Dana’s husband today everyone. Please pray for Gene. Thank you.
LORD, please rule me in every area of my life. I never want to be deceived by the darkness of this world.
Please take me deeper and deeper into Your Word each day I breathe.
LORD, Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).
Enable me to truly comprehend it’s deepest meaning along life’s journey.
Thank You, LORD, that when I look into Your Word I find You. Give me ears to recognize only Your voice speaking to me every time I read Your Word.
LORD, I don’t want to be just a hearer of Your Word. Please show me how to be a DOER of Your Word as well. Father God, from the signs of the times, I believe we’re getting closer and closer to Your return for Your Children, I want the Holy Ghost that dwells in me to have a boldness to share what You are speaking to my heart. You love all the one’s You created. . .
…it’s our time to share how You saved us from the pits of hell and Your Son Jesus Christ saved us by confessing our sins and asking Him into our hearts.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(1 John 1:9)
I’ve been counting my blessings each day I live and the number one blessing to me is thanking God that my sins do not have to separate me from Him because I repented of them and confessed them to Jesus. I have been cleaned and set free.
Thank you Lord. In Jesus Name.
So can you, my friends—please make sure you’ll forever live in eternity with God, your family, and friends. . .what peace you will live in when you stand face to face with Jesus. To me, there’s no denying that you and I will see this happen in our lifetime.