September 4, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Sometimes things are so apparently troubling in our life and we are without expression to put them in words let alone try to pray for them. These are the things that trouble us so deeply we can barely think. We often do not know what to do about them. These are the times we give over to the Spirit and let Him translate for us. Please understand we can relax knowing that God hears and understands our need before we ask.

God’s word tells us, ” In the same way, the Spirit helps us. In our weakness we do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” (Romans 8:26)

Please do not wait until you’re in trouble to pray. Because then you’re really in trouble. You are not strong in the Lord but He is strong within you already. Yes, there are so many things to pray about, but in the moments when we don’t always put our anxieties or pain into the right words, the Spirit does.

There is great news that when we are troubled and we can’t see straight, this is where the Spirit comes in and sees our struggles. He literally moves with groanings and translates our thoughts and worries as we pray into words that go directly into God’s heart.

I believe someone needed to hear this word today. Trust and pray! And when you can’t communicate with God, tell Him you are at your last straw! And then, just know that the Spirit will take over for you that very second. Keep prayer on your heart though, but tell God you need the Holy Spirit to intervene for you. He will! ❤️ Please keep a prayerful heart as you watch the Holy Spirit move on your behalf. Another promise from God, He will come through.