September 3, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God wants us to do things because He says so, He instructs us in His Word. He may put things in your spirit and prompt you to move, but why do we often turn our backs and go the other way?

Could it be because we do not trust or because we take control on our own, thinking we know what’s best?

“But because you say so, I will.” (Luke 5:5)

May we all take heed of this scripture.

Focus on what God is telling you to do. Go to His word and react on what He is asking. God urges each of us to go beyond our own feelings, talents, and resources. He wants us to dig deep and understand all that He can do for us, which is beyond what we can even think or comprehend.

Years ago, when God gave me my life scripture of Ephesians 3:20, I sat in that moment, staring at the verse on paper and circling that scripture until the tissue paper frayed apart from my pen and ink, and circling the one word that stuck out to me. I had never seen that scripture before but it became the scripture for women world leaders many years later as I watched God use this scripture in my life over and over since that day.

I couldn’t understand the “why” in the moment… why He had me look deep into that verse and claim it as my own that day. “Why, God, did You give me that one  particular verse in the moment I asked for something?” Until I saw the Word POWER jump out in my face I did not know what God was saying to me. It was then that I sat and focused in on just that one scripture and the one word, POWER. 

It wouldn’t be my power, but God’s power and what He can do through me in the years that would follow after finding that verse. For years, I still had no clue how significant that scripture would be for me years ahead, that would involve a worldwide ministry coming into existence through obedience. It’s humbling to reflect upon. And God has that same thing of something waiting for YOU, too! Let the POWER of God work in you and do more than you could ever imagine of using your own power.


You’re obedience will be rewarded more than you can ever imagine.

Do what God says when He tells you! Don’t ignore His voice.