September 28, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


So many of us, despite walking with God, have still experienced “rebelliousness.”  Whether it be in ourselves or someone we know, it can wreak havoc if it’s left to itself. I am one of those who used to have a rebellious spirit, and it is shameful for me to say it. But Praise God, I didn’t die in my rebellious state!l

Pain, sickness, and betrayal are brutal consequences of the fall. From it, we can all feel the results of sin. My heart still bleeds with emotion whenever I think back or I dive deep and reflect on my rebellion and how I once was. 

How does one move beyond it? Our hope comes in Jesus! He delivers us from rebellion with a heartfelt repenting heart, even when He doesn’t fix what is broken in our lives. Brokenness comes from it, but fixing doesn’t always happen instantaneously, and sometimes not at all. Maybe someone doesn’t even realize they have a broken relationship with God or no relationship with God at all.

Thank God for Jesus! Truly. He created a path of forgiveness back to His Father for us to follow. We just need to push the “start” button… how?

If you haven’t put your faith in Jesus as your rescuer, your personal Lord and Savior of your life, it’s not too late. Tell Him you’re sorry for your rebellious spirit and understand that He is the only One who can restore what is or has been broken inside of you. Give Him the reins to your life through complete surrender and bow your knee to your Savior – because-  you can’t do it on your own.

If we want to survive any of these storms of life we face, fess up. Get right with God and stop rebelling to your own ways and means. 

God, through Jesus Christ, needs to be our anchor, secure and safe and covered by His love