September 25, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” (1 Corinthians 14:33)

God doesn’t encourage anxiety. He is a God of peace. He doesn’t sit by the wayside and enjoy watching us hurt. 

God suffered enough on our behalf and shouldered our sin so that we may be free to explore a good life. Our God is not a God who inflicts pain or confusion. He is a God who heals and loves and speaks clearly so that we benefit from His truth. God gives us purpose to live vicariously in His will. 

The minute we allow confusion and anxiety to set in, we shut the door on God and start believing the lies that fester and cause our despair. God doesn’t want that for us. He wants us to draw closer to Him so that we can experience the wonders of His love and His  assurance. No matter what we face, we can find our peace in the Father’s eyes, step forward in faith and know that we will not be defeated. 

Our Lord will overcome and rise above every situation and bring good out of it. Release all anxiety. Your Father in heaven receives your troubles and replaces them with hope, love, perseverance, and victory. You will be able to stand strong because God will not let you give up. His power is great and everlasting and one of our most precious gifts from Him. 

Laurie Sammarco