September 20, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


“You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen. Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place.” (Revelation 2:4-5)

What would the world be like without God’s light shining upon us? 

I think back to the times before I was saved and before I knew Christ on a personal level. It was a time of so much uncertainty where chances were taken in my life that were not guided by God. I had fear of the unknown after making choices while I was depending on the acceptance of others who watched my life and who always let me down.

I remember a void in my life, knowing that something big was missing. I’ve learned there is a huge difference between when I was living in darkness versus now living with God’s light everywhere I go and in everything I do.

When we live without God we simply live to just exist, often without a real purpose unfortunately. We can search and search but are we ever satisfied when the presence of God is not evident in our life? Can He be present where sin abounds? No way! Please get your life in check with Jesus.

We may have goals we check off as we are living on our own path with all our accomplishments and that’s OK, but with absence of God, that’s not OK. It eventually leads to being unsatisfied. Whatever made us angry enough to turn away from God is being used by the adversary to keep us away from the one relationship that can help! It’s only God who will shed light to help us finally work through trials and the torments that bother the mind. 

You were made for so much more in your life. A life to honor God and He is the only one that can make sense of your heart’s goals and get rid of any confusion.

God is the only One that can show you how to use your gifts given by Him and find purpose in your life that will fulfill your every need. When all else fails and you don’t have the answers, God is the one person who can bring it all together!

In Christ, you have full light clarity, direction, fulfillment but most of all an abundance of joy and love everlasting. He is eternal. He is waiting to hear your every need. 

Written by Laurie Sammarco