September 2, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


May God, our Lord, infuse you with His unchangeable love today. Take a walk today, enjoying just you and Him, and don’t forget to talk out loud to your Savior. It’s refreshing, it’s stimulating, and it’s powerful! You might just do it again and again…

“Come near to God and He will come near to you.” (James 4:8)

Many times as I head out to walk, my husband, Kenny is not with me, I have some moments with God alone and often times it’s when I get my wonderful “aha” moments!

God is always dependable. I’m so thankful that He doesn’t mind when I admit that I need direction. He strengthens me in the moment as I hear His “Voice” in the quiet moments. 

God gives strength and power and infusion when He speaks. “He is the creator of the heavens who stretches them out, who spreads out the earth with all that springs from it, who gives breath to His people, and life to those who walk on it.” (Isaiah 42:5)

I can not comprehend such power and the scriptures declaring it! Wow. May we choose to believe His strength and love that is waiting for you to just embrace it this very day! Lean into Him with confidence, knowing that He will give you that power needed to do what He promised.