God is at our side and working in you, and no one and nothing can deter you from His calling in your day today.
Look into the day, and I encourage you to dream with God. I love to do this. I took a half hour this morning to dream with God, and it empowered me. He spoke, and I listened! I read His Word as I heard Him say so much to my heart.
Don’t be captivated by any fears that may rise up in your morning and suppress you within your today. Don’t let it creep into your noon or whenever it is you read this.
I realize when I immerse myself in God’s Word that only my unbelief can keep me from moving forward by faith. Sometimes I doubt me, I doubt people, I doubt things! God does not want that for me; He wants me bold and courageous and moving forward with Him for kingdom work.
God wants us to stand with Him today on the winning side. His side!
You can confront any bully of fear, insecurity, or inferiority today when you walk by faith and secure yourself in God’s Word. Be tenacious enough to grab hold of God’s promises today for YOU. They are true.
You are magnificent, stunning, engaging, appealing, and full of wisdom; read it and pray it into being…I pray you believe this about YOU!
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we could do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10)
God wants to use you today because He loves you and believes you are able.
Believe He will use you in your today and ask Him to help you with being a vessel. Then go out about your day and watch God at work. God is working in you now for a better tomorrow. 🙏