September 18, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God made you so mysteriously complex, He said so in His word. Psalm 139:14. God protects His masterpiece creation.
As I was reflecting on a movie I just watched again for the seventh time, (“Unplanned”, it’s on Amazon), I pondered life from the moment of conception… I realize again how every bone in our human body was created in the “secret place” and God crafted us from nothing into something.
He did the same for every single one of us. He knows every bone, every stretch of muscle, and every cell He made, and with every flickering moment that passes; God is thinking about you; His creation! He sees and knows everything about you.  Where you’re coming from and where you are going. He sees when you rest and knows where you are walking.
Did you know that God “knit” or “wove” an {eternal spirit} into each of us when we were conceived in the womb of our mother?
I don’t know about you but to me, that’s heavy! The Hebrew word for “knit” or “wove” is to cover or defend.
That means God sends a guardian angel to watch over His child in the womb. We all belong to Him and He watches over His creation. Comforting!
“You formed my innermost being, shaping my delicate inside and my intricate outside, and wove them all together in my mother’s womb.”
(Psalm 139:13)
“I thank you God for making me so mysteriously complex” (vs. 14)
I just can hardly comprehend all He does at the very moment of conception. It blows my mind. God created!
He creates, He “covers” He loves, He protects and He does it over every single life in the womb before we were ever birthed.
Yes, we are His, yes, He loves us completely. From before we were born, He knew us. You can’t ever escape God. Who would want to?