September 16, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Steady Process by Connie Van Horn

When I first came to Faith, I had a radical experience with God. He changed my heart and my life overnight. However, I still had more change and growth to go through. We often long for instant transformation, a sudden change that will make us new instantly. But just like the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly, our own transformation is a steady and gradual journey.

When we accept Christ into our lives, we are made new. The old self is washed away, and we are given a fresh start through the power of the Holy Spirit. This initial experience can be radical and life-changing, but the fullness of the transformation takes our lifetime. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Thinking of the caterpillar crawling around in its old life, it’s not aware of the beauty that is coming soon. When the time comes for it to enter the cocoon, it must wait patiently, hidden from the world while it is undergoing a silent metamorphosis. In the same way, we must allow ourselves to be hidden in His presence, allowing Him to work in us and through us.

The waiting period or even the hard things we face and the prayers we lift up – these are all part of the process of transformation. Just as the caterpillar must patiently wait in the cocoon, we too must have perseverance and trust in God’s timing.

If you find yourself still crawling, still waiting for change, do not lose heart! Trust that God is working in you, shaping you into a beautiful creation. 

Your journey with God is a long and steady process with each step, (no matter how small it is,) leading you towards the fullness of life in Christ. Keep going! Never stop chasing God… and maybe a butterfly or two in the process! 🦋💗

Wait. Pray. Trust!