September 11, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Friends are friends forever if the Lord is Lord of them…. 🎶 🎵 

Your friends can help you walk uprightly, righteously and obediently to God’s commands if they are the right kind of friend. They will never steer you in the opposite direction of obedience to God and His Word.

Friends can can point you to wisdom when you need it by advising you,  they can help you gain knowledge,understanding, and even help point you in the right direction. They can use discernment to help you as you need it.  If your friends truly walk with Christ, they will help you with your own personal walk and help you grow closer to our Father.

Pause in this moment. Who is that friend to you? Do you even have this type of friend in your life? If you do, they will help you to embrace all kinds of moments in your walk, in the good and not-so-good challenges. A true friend is needed. God is and always will be that friend. He will be by your side through the challenges life throws your way. But ask Him to send you a physical companion friend that you can trust with His “loving” qualities.

Pray to God for these types of friends to surround you.  If you have them, they’ll be with you forever. Remember to always thank God for them. If you don’t have this type of friend, pray for one now. God will bring them to you.

Strive to be this type of friend to someone else.

“Therefore as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” (Galatians 6:10)