September 11, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Only He can do what you need Him to do in your life. He is the God who performs miracles.
As we are getting ready to launch our next book through Women World Leaders titled “Miracle Mindset, Finding Hope in the Chaos,” we pray God sets your mind to get a copy of this book. We can and should look for God’s miracles each day we live.
God gives a vision of what a healthy, healed “you” looks like. He helps you go after that woman with tenacity and purpose by following a menu in His Word.
God’s word tells us:
“I refuse to worry about anything. I will, instead, pray about everything. I’ll take every chance I get to tell God what I need, and I won’t forget to thank Him for all He has done. God promises me that as I trust Him, I will experience His peace in increasing measure. His peace is profound and unfathomable and exceeds anything I can understand; still, it’s mine, and so I trust Him. As I turn my back on worry and turn my heart toward Jesus, His peace will guard my heart and mind as I live in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:13 paraphrase)
In our “Miracle Mindset” book coming, as Women who love Jesus, we’ve compiled stories that will testify of our God, who performs miracles daily in our lives.
I pray each of you will get a fresh vision to possess a “Miracle Mindset” today and look for a breakthrough in your life. May God take your efforts to clean your mind and multiply your thoughts. As you focus them on Him, He can do what only He can do, perform miracles in you!
Look for our book to launch in the coming weeks ahead, and please plan to be part of our “big launch” to help spread this book worldwide.🩷
To God be the glory for all He is doing. Keep a “Miracle Mindset.”🩷