September 10, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


God designed you before the foundations of the world. He arranged events of each day of your life to form you into the pattern He has for you.

God is at work in your life each day. He is moving you forward even on the days that are pushing back at you where you don’t feel any pulse of breakthrough. 

If you are swimming upstream today and it seems like you haven’t made it very far, these are the times that you must swim deeper! Dive underneath the current that pushes you backwards and aim yourself down into the Word of God.

God’s unchangeable Words of promise are alive. His Words of instruction, wisdom, peace, and comfort will guide you through the treacherous waters that pass above you. God moves on deep levels. Trust Him as He guides you through the turbulent streams. Allow your perseverance to get you through the rough water to free-flowing movement He wants for your life. 

God’s pattern for you is designed for such a time as this. He truly builds your endurance during any hardships to make you stronger and more equipped for His purposes. What a mighty God we serve.

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overwhelm you…” (Isaiah 43:2)