September 10, 2023

by Kimberly Hobbs 

When we pursue a very close and personal relationship with Jesus, we talk to Him every day and read God’s Word faithfully. We begin to see a new life emerge.
“I prayed to the Lord, and He answered me. He freed me from all my fears. Those who look to Him for help will be radiant with joy;
No shadow of shame will darken their faces. In my desperation, I prayed, and the Lord listened; He saved me from all my struggles.” ( Psalm 34:4-6)
What is beautiful about this scripture is our brain cells will start firing and creating new connections and re-shaping physical structures when we merge with Christ. Let’s realize this. Whatever was part of your past can be restored by being in a relationship with someone who wants to be with you, and that is Jesus!
When I realized that my Savior desired my time more than anyone else I could know, I gave it to Him. I was happy to. He deserves it all. God allowed me to see a path to freedom through my surrender of something so precious to me: time. It takes time and energy to have this relationship, and let me share…it’s definitely worth it!
By the grace of God, I visited places with Jesus that needed to be unpacked and healed. I encourage any of you to not be afraid of visiting the tough confessions of your past to your Friend for a healing. God will be with you in this place.
Clearly, God spoke to me as I wrote my story 12 years ago, and through this time, I searched hard and deep. God gave me scriptures to identify with my story and, which brought more healing than I could ever have imagined. Eventually, complete freedom and no more ties to past sin and circumstances. I was freed.
Walk with Jesus through your past. Let Him speak into what you did so He can show you love in a more powerful way. Watch your soul heal.
The devil’s attempts at destroying you have not worked, or have they? I pray not.
God wants to heal every aspect of who you are and make you new in Him.
I can surely attest to the fact He provides where He guides. If you desire a relationship on a deeper level,  He will provide it as you seek Him with all your heart.