October 7, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

 How many of us would like an example of being able to know and discern what God is saying to us about our surroundings?
Read about Queen Esther in the book of Esther in the Bible.
 You too can have heavenly intercession to maximize what God has entrusted to you just like He did for Esther. How?
God has a specific word for the territories He has put us in charge of. If you think about it, we all have a territory we are in charge of. Some have homes or dorm rooms. Some have territories in their workspace and others have arenas such as entire businesses or grounds to keep.
 When we understand and grasp our purpose, we need to go into prayer to be effective for the Lord and hear what that “word” is to claim your territory for Him.
 We need to get into the council of the Lord. Let Him put words into our mouths. Let Him download His truths to us. Prayer is a disciplined decision. PRAYER IS HOW YOU RECEIVE GOD’S INTERACTION.
1 Peter 4:7 says “But the end of all things is at hand, therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”
Women of God, we must be able to hear what God is saying to us about our territories, our families, our jobs, cities, and more. Hear God’s spoken word to your heart as you talk to Him daily about claiming your territory!