October 6, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

When we think of women in the Bible, who comes to your mind first?
To me, strong women of faith come to my mind.
Many of us think of Esther because there is a whole book in the Bible written about her and her courage. She was a strong woman of faith filled with integrity.
Esther demonstrated maturity and wisdom in declaring a fast. Esther 4:16-17. There was a situation beyond her control and only a breaking in the spirit and a strategy from God would bring the deliverance her people needed. Esther called for a fast.
I love that such a woman as Esther with high esteem understood the importance of fasting.
Fasting is a spiritual discipline God established to achieve breakthroughs in our lives and the lives of others.
Before we attempt to do great things for the Lord, we should take time to fast and pray.  Our choices must become entirely influenced by the power of the Holy Spirit at work. How can He work unless we surrender and ask Him to do so.
There’s a battle going on out there, the devil is out for blood. Nations are raging and we see the world divided in so many ways.  It was true in Esther’s day, and it’s true for each of us today.
Consider a fast and go into prayer before making that “choice” that is pressing on you. Fasting in prayer is a great way to seek God for answers. Be certain it’s God leading you, not your own feelings…a good way to do this is to surrender the fast to God and see what He does through your faith.