October 20, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


It’s easy to settle into the mindset that life is good because I am good. But in reality, life is good because God is good, and everything He does serves a greater purpose in our lives.

If you’re in a season of “favor” and you’re in “running motion,” it is a time to get focused, to make hay and to run with patient endurance. It’s a time to do great things, bear much fruit, and make up for lost time. It’s time to run with purpose in every step. Run without any further delay.

God has you, and He will carry you!

This is not the time to sit on the couch of comfort and ease, and if you are tempted, push through…because life is really hard for most people right now. The struggle is all around us. And it’s certainly not a time to doddle with things that don’t matter; let’s get busy. 😊

Needed rest and moments of replenishment are essential in all of our seasons of life, but I’ve found that in the “run” season, there will be times when you want to rest and even think you should rest, but God still calls you to run. I encourage you to do it.

(A quick caveat: God calls us to regular Sabbath rest, which, if we fail to practice, we’ll fall headlong into burnout. Even the “run” season of our lives involves regular sabbath rest, which must be done.)

Each time you step forward in utter faith and you “run,” God will meet you, strengthen you, show up and work wonders through you. Learn to trust Him more and accomplish the impossible with God.

Luke 10:19 tells us
“Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

Go hard and strong when God tells you to, but rest when He calls you to rest♡!