Guest Writer: WWL Leadership Team, Author, VOT contributor, Rusanne Jourdan from Australia
I will take the time to sit with you Lord
I will take the time to hold your Hand
He whispers
I love you dear daughter,
And I have you my girl
Through every storm
I want what You want Jesus
You intercede between here and the heavenlies
You are there with me through every storm
I trust You
Surrendering it all
Heal my soul Father, like only You can do!
My mind
My emotions
My every response
Leave the old
Grab hold of the new
Your mercies are refreshed & new each morning
Your love & my love for You gets me
Through every storm
Teach me… I have the authority as Your daughter to stand in the gap between the evil and the heavenlies
The storms can rage all around
Help me to operate in this place of knowing and strengthening day by day
Teach me to surrender to Your will, no matter the rain and wind of the storm I pass through
You are with me
Always by my side
As we pass through the storm
The calm finally comes
The sun shines upon my face
Another storm behind me
Ahead now, every colour of the rainbow will be seen in Your eyes
We are sailing into the destiny you have just for me
Sunshine and blue skies
Another storm waiting just over the horizon
They come
They go
But You
The constant
The Rock upon which I stand
The protector & lover of my soul
Through every storm