November 4, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Guest writer
Robin Kirby Gatto
I declare you are rising up in the power of God’s might, with knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, as you are stirred with His Name jealous, to make known the Kingdom of Heaven, seeing the power of God’s glory revealed in the earth, as you go out into the harvest fields that are white like snow, gathering in the sheaves of the harvest, seeing the abundance of the Life of Christ Jesus, bringing the power of Holy Spirit, to those who are a new creation, hungry and thirsty for righteousness!
I declare you are caught in the passion of Christ Jesus, which is to bring the Knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven to mankind, to know the Father, and see themselves through His eyes, as the redeemed of the Lord, brought into the greater works, seeing the fruits of their labors, as they enter the joy of the Lord!
 In Jesus’ Name! AMEN AND AMEN!