God! He is wonderful, Councilor, mighty Father, Prince of Peace! He is everything to us who love Him and the wonderful, beautiful thing about God is that He is as capable of moving in our lives in intricate ways that everyone else might miss (but we notice). How do we notice? Because we commune with Him daily, m♡ment by moment!
God is telling the water where to stop and the land where to begin every single day…He’s fiercely powerful yet lovingly gentle, effortlessly everywhere, yet intimately right here right now. He loves YOU! He loves me. He loves and loves and loves.
Whether you see it or not, you’ve definitely benefited from the smallness of God’s hand in your life, the intimate, personal ways He’s intervened in your circumstances, the gentle ways He’s touched you, guided you and changed you, and ministered hope and healing to you.
Since your name is written on God’s hand, it’s safe to say you’re especially close to His heart. God never takes His loving eye off of you; He sees you. He is El Roi!
“You are the God who sees me…I have now seen the One who sees me” ( Genesis 16:13)
Walk into your day today carrying this inside you with a smile. A BIG smile of inner joy that no one can take away. God sees YOU!