November 27, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


When I open my eyes each morning, I look up to realize I’m awake and alive, and then next, I talk to God immediately. I wonder how I might be used or even transformed today by encounters with His glory. “How will you use me, God?” I always ask and then tell Him I am ready.

God doesn’t force you or I to do anything, He gives us our own free will to choose, however He does compel us to walk alongside Him. Do you realize that you are the vessel He desires to move through?

God stirs the hearts of people surrounding us, but He uses “us” to lead others to Him. Will you be that one who stands up and says, “Send me”?

…”Here I am, Lord. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

We each have a different mission field, ladies. You don’t need a title, platform, or even permission to serve God, just a tender, obedient heart. God can touch the world through you if you avail yourself to Him. He is always willing to use our hearts, our gifting He created in us, our loving touch, our smiles, and most of all, our surrendered heart to Him. God accomplishes what He wills through our hearts of obedience.

I heard the Lord saying, “Whom should I send to my people? Who will represent us?” I spoke up and said, “I will be the one. Send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

Will you be that “one” today who surrenders it all before your Father? He wants ALL of you, not just pieces left over that you may not be using.