Today’s guest Writer:
Laurie Sammarco from Florida
Psalm 77:10-13 (NIV)
Then I thought, “To this I will appeal; the years when the Most High stretched out His right hand. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes I will remember your miracles of long ago. I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds. Your ways God are Holy. What God is as great as our God?”
When you are struggling in your faith and questioning where God is, don’t ask why but ask how.
How Lord, do we sustain and remain in you? It is in the how that God reveals Himself and teaches us to be strong and to trust in Him.
God gives an abundance of grace to those who remain steadfast in their search for Him and His righteousness. Keep in mind the many times God showed up and brought you through a storm and never forget how great His love is for you. Trust that His love will carry on, delivering us from all that tries to go against us and Him.
I have confidence that as God pursues me daily, I gain more knowledge and wisdom from Him which continues to fire up my hope that my tomorrows will be brighter and that the darkness will cease to exist as God’s hands cover it.
Don’t doubt what God can do, for what we lack in wisdom, God will provide if we ask in faith (James 1:5).
Those times when we struggle the most can be times of great triumph for us as we face the problem with an assurance. The assurance is that God will step in with a resolution and a lesson learned.
As we begin to understand and line up God’s word with His actions, our dependence on Him grows and our love for Him endures through the trials we face.
How much do you believe in the power of God? Will you trust Him? No greater story is told than the one you witness with Him.