November 22, 2022

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God had to break me before He could use me. He broke me of things I didn’t even know needed to be removed in my life. Stripping me of layers and layers of ugliness had to be done. It wasn’t an easy process for me.
I had to be completely emptied of myself to be wholly used by God.
God means business and wants our complete self surrendered and ready in the heart. The process needed had taken time and extreme pain as I shed years of things that became part of my life. I don’t believe it’s easy for any of us to walk through discomfort, but all too often and more necessary than we may understand at the time, there is greater PURPOSE.
I believe this life is a tough time for all of us, especially in the days of living we are in now. Our world is ever-changing. Do you want to be used by God and help our world? I hope we all have the desire to help make a difference. We can be the change for the good, but it takes work on our part.
A.W. Tozer said, ” It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.”
I had to really think this through. It goes against my grain or what my head tells me about God. But I understand what “God’s truth,” tells me inside His word, and that is what got my “attention” for “surrender.” Verse after verse, I realized I had to be broken of my sin, my own comfort of self-consciousness, and my own self-sufficiency. I believe we all experience this in different ways.
Personally, If I wanted to be used for God’s glory (and I do), I had to be completely broken of myself and past residue and realize the need for full surrender to God and my Savior Jesus Christ.
Through these times we are living in, some of us may break. In a good way, like dying to “self”!
Those of you who know me heard my story of surrender of repentance (book: Tears to Triumph ), but first, God would need to break me in my own life as I was living more so for the world.
I am here to tell you I survived! I’m here to share that sometimes we must be stripped of the things we love the most to be used by God for the things He has created us for. And let me be the first to say, “oh, the endless blessings that will come from it”…
I never ever realized I must be broken to be better. God knew it. Remember, You are His masterpiece. He is the artist. He will use you, but your heart must be willing to be fully surrendered and then “remolded” by Him. This comes through reading His Word, relationship, and communion with Him, and then “time~ time will bring change.”
I understand that through any crises we are faced with, it’s hard to imagine the thought of brokenness. But this may be the very thing God uses to get your attention and turn you around to be used POWERFULLY for Him. We need you as a warrior. Are you willing to face this?
I know God “can and will” use you!
~Cling to this verse and its meaning, and please don’t be afraid to be broken by a God who loves you more than anything. Embrace it.
“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead…”
(Philippians 3:13 )
…it won’t always be easy, and HARD times are going to prove that, but it’ll be worth it. God will refine you through the time❤please keep this in your mind…press toward the goal. Your transformation could very well happen through a rough time in your life. That is how this ministry was birthed!