If we can fly above the clouds of controversy, division, and limitations, we can confuse the enemy who flies below in the darkness. He won’t see us! 
We can cause the enemy of believers to run in the opposite direction, looking about in panic because we have disappeared into God’s divine protection, soaring into the never-ending light which is high above the darkness, above the clouds, and above all the turmoil. The devil does not want this; he wants to keep us in dark captivity, sinking us deeper and deeper into darkness.
Which way are you going?
Being above it all with Jesus, we are unstoppable there. We are sheltered in His wings and safe from any harm. We float above our trials, above our misery, and above any depression. The devil can’t reach us there because he can’t see us. Where light is, there can be no darkness. Where the Name of Jesus is, the enemy HAS to flee!!!!! For sure!
“Who are these who soar like clouds, flying like doves into their portals.” (Isaiah 60:8)
We can fly far above what this world puts out and find our rest in the light of His never-ending love for us, in the shadow of His mighty wings. Reaching higher and higher into the heavens for the cause of Christ, we nestle ourselves into the wings of a God who won’t ever let us go.
“When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High.” (Psalm 91:1)
“His massive arms are wrapped around you, protecting you. You can run under his covering of majesty and hide. His arms of faithfulness are a shield, keeping you from harm.” (Psalm 91:4)
Rest in this, dear woman of God, REST IN THIS!