We are the daughters of the Most High God! All knowledge and power flow through you because you’re rooted and grounded in Him! Your faith in God and His Word will get you through anything, and you can take that for everything it’s worth.
To me, I’ve been facing another challenge as of late. I can either trust God by faith or not.
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…” ( Genesis1:26, KJV)
The Hebrew word “likeness means to “operate like,” not “look like.” I’ve been processing this for the past two months as I’ve been somewhat anxious, fearful at times, and in a state of constate question. I’m battling the flesh each day and the “stinkin thinkin” in my mind. I’m realizing that if I’m not functioning like God, I’m malfunctioning.
So, how does God operate? God operates by faith. So, in order for me to get through this health hurdle and challenge I’m facing, I must operate by faith.
…without faith, it is impossible to please God… ( Hebrews 11:6), and I want to please God in ALL I do. So, daily, moment to moment, as my mind triggers doubts, I stop, and I surrender.
Faith is not an option for us; it’s a requirement. I know this very well. So, I have to exercise my faith muscle, confess my fear, and keep pressing forward with faith in God’s word.
It’s not fiction; it’s Word. His Word is TRUTH. I either believe or I don’t. Faith creates miracles, and I’m choosing to believe in the daily miracles of God.
“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ( Hebrews 11:1) I can choose to believe the lie the enemy puts in my head over and over or cast them down and back to hell! I fight it every time and look up to God, and gird myself with His strength! I choose to walk in His light since He is the ruler of my life. This is a constant battle of the flesh, and when I want to fear because of what my earthly eyes see in front of me, I immediately confess it to God. I fight back and say, “God, I trust YOU,” and then quote scripture to Him! I declare His TRUTHS! His Word is the TRUTH that sustains me. His Word will sustain you, too! Believe!
Faith is knowing God is real based on His Word. I trust every word in the Bible.
“Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately, he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road. (Mark 10:52)
Stay connected to the source, ladies! “You have not because you ask not.” (Luke 11:9)
I’m asking God!
I know many of you are relating to me at this moment as you read, and because of this and on your behalf, I’m asking God for your miracle, too.