May 31, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 



May I encourage you to dive deep into the word of God today?

There was a time when I avoided “diving” deeper into Scripture because I was told and afraid that I wouldn’t understand it. I pressed in one day and prayed about that lie I was believing.

I began praying every time I read the bible, asking God to reveal what He wanted me to see through His Holy scriptures.

“Lord, the only thing holding me back from discovering the depths in Your Word is me. Empower me to be disciplined and help me to hear Your voice as I study Your Word. Amen!” It was a simple prayer, but it worked every time!

When we study God’s Word, He reveals who He is and His plans and heart for us. As we explore different verses, their original Greek and Hebrew meanings, the culture the text was written in, and how verses tie in together, it’s like coming upon a gold mine. I got more and more excited myself and could not wait to share what I was learning. 

See how the psalmist put it: “I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure” (Psalm 119:162).

The daily homework I challenged myself to do each day became like a fun hunt for valuable nuggets of jewels. Each verse navigated me closer as I learned to go below the surface for my diamonds and rubies. I found that I loved it!

What I enjoy most is going through my Bible on my own each day with God as He unveils His truth to me every single time!

Please take the daily PLUNGE in God’s Word!