Let’s train ourselves to learn how to pray instead of getting angry and fighting in our own strength! When we are in situations that cause our blood pressure to rise, we need to take a break from what’s directly in front of us and take it to God.
Putting this into practice during the most difficult days was what I practiced while going through my deep crisis. It’s not always easy, but it does have the ultimate outcomes that make differences.
Thankfully, learning to shut down anger, shut out fear and stop a state of depression when opposition comes in or at us is achievable with God.
God and His Word have equipped us to do things that are difficult in any given moment. It involves training by putting on the mind of Christ and immediately going to God with everything. We must realize the point in which we start to escalate with our emotions and operate in our fleshly antics of bad behavior. This needs to be shut down and given to God in full surrender.
We must not give the enemy any room for robbing our testimony of who we are in Christ. Keep your cool and joy in Jesus, always. We need to know our breaking points, stay far away from them, and draw closer to the One who can help us in times of need.
Understanding what is happening when it’s upon you and having the ability to appropriate the power of God to fight the enemy is key. The enemy comes at us quickly and often, causing us to want to fight. We hear familiar lies when others oppose us, and it can feed us into escalated anger deep inside. When those deep, withdrawn hurts come, or you want to pull back and isolate in depression, realize what is happening. It’s a trigger you must be aware of.
When your anger or hurt peaks, it’s at a breaking point and can become dangerous. Is your tongue easily held at these moments? Are your thoughts captive?
Our first steps are learning to deflate the anger, hurt or fear and run to God in prayer, right at the moment it hits. When we are so wrapped up in God, we are liberated from what is escalating in front of us. Yes, you can stop it; you have God right there with you! Remember that.
Do not add fuel to any fire during a heated moment. Just stop, breathe, and then begin to intercede for the other person who is threatening you by praying for them. That brings God into the moment. It’s not always easy, I know. Yes, praying for them as well as yourself in the heat of the moment can immediately deflate the anger and hinder the situation in front of you. God hears you!
“You have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.” (Colossians 3:9-10)
God says our first steps are to be toward Him. Seek His face and put Him first. Learn how to do this! Avoid fighting. Avoid arguing and anger. When our self-image gets so wrapped up in God, we can deflate any fight that comes against us because we are “free.” We are liberated in Christ. It doesn’t matter who wants to pick a fight with you or what they say!
Turn away; turn toward our Lord by turning it over to Him completely. ❤️ 🙏🏼