May 20, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


We each have a choice to make every day we live. What path do we choose to walk on? The one that is brightly lit and leads to life, or the one that has twisty, jagged turns and can’t be visibly seen ahead?

Relying on your own understanding will weigh you down. Trying to navigate a twisty-turning road will only get you tied up into a knot and sometimes of no return! Why is it some of us still choose that route?

God does not want us to be troubled or misguided, so He goes before us. He makes our path right. He makes our route to travel a straight path, and He lights up the way. He is such an amazing God. I marvel at the way He guides my steps each day when I release my “wants” to His direction. It’s not always easy since I tend to be one that likes to know my way each day.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not unto your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

Sometimes, we beg and plead with God to have things our way, but honestly, when you pray that His will be done and that He will guide you His way, it’s most incredible how everything seems to work its way out. ❤️ God makes the impossible possible.

God takes the heavy, dark, and ominous clouds away when you TRUST Him, and then you see the brightness of His light peeping through, saying, “This is the way, follow Me.”