May 19, 2024

by Kayla Follin 


Today, you woke up and probably thought, “Am I prepared for this day ahead?” “What’s on my plate?” What’s in store for me on my journey of life?”

God tells us He has already prepared your day. He stretches out before you and prepares you for what lies ahead. “How?” you might ask.

God prepares you to meet your requirements when you spend quality time with Him first. He equips you for your journey ahead by accompanying you with His presence. He tells you His Name when you question things that come at you. He redirects your thoughts when you hear other voices that you might be  questioning. 

I know when I’m in a hurry and I might not devote proper time to God in the morning, my whole day seems to be thrown off kilter. Is it because I’m just not focusing properly? No, probably not, it’s because I’m not focused completely on the One who needs my whole attention before I begin a day. My days operate much better when adequate time is given to my Lord each morning “before” I begin.

“Then the Lord replied, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” (Exodus 33:14)

I most certainly want peace in my day. I’m certain that most others do as well.

Focus on God as you begin each day. Make Him a priority. Go to His Word. Ask Him to stay close beside you and ask Him to please prepare your day. 

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.”…(John 15:4)