God created you perfectly. We are not mistakes as some would accuse! Don’t ever think that, not for even one second!
God knew exactly what He was doing when He set your life in motion! You have spiritual DNA in you that confirms you were carefully and intricately designed by your heavenly Father. Hold this truth tightly.
Some of us may feel we should not have been born from time to time. We hurt, we grieve, and we blame. We’ve made some monstrous mistakes, and some of us have even caused pain to others.
Ask God’s forgiveness, forgive yourself for whatever you struggle to move away from, and then move past this way of thinking.
Who are we to have such selfish thoughts in our life?
Every detail of your being and every subconscious thought is known by Him. While you sleep, God cradles you in His love. When you wake, His presence is there to greet you. You delight His heart in ways you can’t comprehend.
In Isaiah, He says,
“This is what the Lord says– he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you: Do not be afraid”…
(Isaiah 44:2)
You are God’s masterpiece, created anew in Christ Jesus to do the very good things He planned for us long ago. (Ephesians 2:10)
You are not a mistake; you are here to glorify God in EVERYTHING you do. He created you for a PURPOSE and a plan. You need to hear this clearly.❤
Trust God and the beauty He created in YOU. You are loved.