March 21, 2025

by Kimberly Hobbs 


How often do we pray for ourselves? When thinking about or crafting a prayer, it is important to ask God for a specific word, and that word should come from HIS WORD, scripture.

After Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights being tested, he went straight to the synagogue. He prayed and opened scriptures and proclaimed His inheritance.

God is so good, and He will give you a word if you ask Him for it. The word you receive will set you up to discover what you will glean and learn through your journey of Faith. Years back, when I didn’t know “how or what” to pray for regarding my future, I would go to the Word of God and ask for a word, then read the word. God would fill me each and every time. Then, I would pause and pray over what He showed me for my life. It taught me how to pray “His will” over my life according to scripture.

Ask God to illuminate His truth to you. Then craft your prayer, asking for the things that have been laid out as promises in your inheritance word.

When I had my accident and lived, all I could do was thank God over and over. He led me directly to Psalm 91:11, which let me know why and how I made it through the accident and lived.

“God will give his angels charge over you to protect you wherever you go.”

This scripture led me to the entire chapter of Psalm 91. So I began to read that chapter over and over and over again, and then I’d pray in specifics with what I read and understood. God moved. I can conclude that I never suffered any PTSD when I approached staircases thereafter, and the odd thing is that so many people almost assumed I would! In fact, they were inflicting it on me that I “should” suffer PTSD. Nope! I wasn’t claiming that on me. And as time went by through my healing journey, especially when I didn’t think I was going to feel any better or get through my severe concussion head trauma, God answered my prayers!

I knew it was Him because I prayed Psalm 91 faithfully believing His promises over my life.

Don’t be afraid. Pray for yourself when you need to. Ask God to give you an inheritance word that you can hold on to. And believe that the enemy cannot in any way take that word away from you. That’s faith! (or unless you choose to release it and not trust God’s promise to you.)

Search in the scriptures until God gives you something you absolutely know is divine.
Be sure God will give you a word, and He will! Then, hold on and pray it out- knowing God hears it. Then hold on with belief over yourself and trusting God that He means what He says! Amen.