March 21, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Sin separates us from God! It’s a simple truth that is not always easy to understand. God never leaves us or forsakes us, but He is a Holy God and can not tolerate sin – what-so-ever. It brings broken fellowship with Him when sin is ongoing in a life.
I speak from experience and can say when I had sin in my life and wouldn’t let go of it, my relationship with God was absent. It slowly faded away to nill and nothing took over. My life became darker and darker and fear escalated and the lies I believed became worse. Please read my story in Tears to Triumph to hear what sin caused! Sin destroys.
I knew in my heart I needed and wanted a relationship with God, but felt I could not let go of the sin that felt so good at the time. I became weaker and weaker and darkness clouded any ray of Son light I could see until I collapsed. My life was in shambles and I opened my eyes in a new place and with a BIG question. How did this ever happen? Of course, deep inside, I knew how it happened but didn’t want to admit it.
Can anyone relate to me?
If we don’t confess our sins, we end up hiding from God. We get further and further from Him because the sin feels so good for a season. Then it changes. We justify our life until the ruins set in. We believe the lie and then place blame on everything else, hiding ourselves from God because of our shame. Our life spirals out of fellowship with God and we end up in the scariest feeling of thinking that we are unloved.
The enemy tries to make you feel unwanted. Although God never stops loving us, God does not tolerate sin. You are wanted by Him, but you must confess and turn 100% from sin in order to have fellowship with God.
Please, ladies, nothing is more heavy and more destructive than sin in your life. Only you and God know if it’s in you. The Bible says, “For him that knows to do good and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)
Nothing is more freeing than God’s compassion and grace. When you confess your sin you are not informing God of something He doesn’t already know. God knows when you’ve acknowledged your sin and you’re ready to turn from it and then to Him. Did you do it yet? Have you messed up this week? Today? On-going?
“If you confess your sin, he is faithful and just to forgive your sins and cleanse you from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)
I can not tell you enough that the FREEDOM you will experience with a renewed relationship with your Heavenly Father is worth it. He loves you most. STOP-Confess get rid of SIN of any kind in your life, there is no such thing as a small sin!!! 🙏 Confess any and all sin and do it as soon as you flub up, that is, whenever you mess up. Please get back in fellowship with your Heavenly Father. He longs to have a relationship with you. ❤️.
Let’s praise God for forgiveness through Jesus Christ. His love for us is immeasurable.