March 18, 2025

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Our lives each day should be a constant learning activity with God. He shows us areas of our life and reveals to us what we need to change inside of it.

Do you ever feel when someone has said something against you, there is a sudden need to get defensive over it? It might be anything about what you said or did, and you just constantly feel a defensive spirit rise up.

If you sense you might have a spirit of defensiveness, ask yourself, is there a tendency in me that responds to criticism or perceived threats with defense, blame-shifting, or explanations? If there is, you need to give this to God and ask Him to teach you something through your next episode of this behavior.

It can be a way of protecting yourself from feeling ashamed, hurt, or angry, but God is your ultimate defender and vindicator when you are biblically right. He can help you.

How do you overcome defensiveness?

Stay grounded in God’s word while living out the biblical truths therein.

Be empathetic, try to understand the other person’s perspective, and show concern for their situation.

Replace defensiveness with taking responsibility. You might complain, but do it without blame and try to express a positive need instead of blaming others.

Make a list of what you want to address and write things down, bring it to God and ask Him to help you with how you want the conversation to go. God can help you resolve your feelings, especially a defensive spirit that needs checked!