Come As You Are
God often chooses those who feel inadequate to accomplish His great work. When God called Jeremiah, he immediately protested, “Are you sure you got the right guy!” He felt unqualified and unworthy. God reassured him that He had chosen him even before he was born, declaring, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you; before you were born, I set you apart” (Jeremiah 1:5).
It was a calling on his life!
This is how God sees us, too! God does not call the qualified; He qualifies the called. It is not our abilities or credentials that determine if we are worthy enough. I wouldn’t be here if it were. It is our willingness to be used by Him. God is looking for those who are available and faithful, ready to be His hands and feet in this world.
F. Faithful
A. Available
T. Teachable
Have you ever felt like Jeremiah, thinking, “You’ve got the wrong person”? Or doubted your ability to make a difference in the world. Well, that was me too! It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by circumstances and let fear paralyze us. I am absolutely breaking free from being chained to fear. But I try to remember that God sees potential and beauty where we see messy and limitations.
He is looking for hearts that are open to His direction, hands that are ready to serve, and spirits willing to step out in faith and be teachable by His words and those around us!
What is God asking of you?
Is there a passion or burden on your heart that you’ve been hesitant to pursue? Remember, you have been chosen for a greater purpose. Just like He called Jeremiah, He is calling you. You are not an accident; you are part of His bigger plan.
Trust that God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfill His purpose. Lean into His grace, knowing that He has chosen YOU to make a difference in this world.
You are not chained to your past or defined by who you once were. God has made you NEW, and you are made in the image of a perfect King! You wear a crown as well. Straighten it and wear it with confidence!
Connie Van Horn