Breathe Jesus in… breathe Jesus in… breathe Jesus in… Every breath in our lungs should be about our Savior.
If Jesus is occupying every breath you have, then when you experience anything that happens around you, good or bad, you can know God is right there!
Since we can’t limit bad things from happening while living in a fallen world, we can understand that God will get us through them as we belong to Him. We are His daughters, and He is within us. He knows how to combat the schemes of the enemy.
We all battle the enemy’s tactics in some way or another. Yes, we do! When we are walking with Christ, breathing Him in and breathing Him out around us, He permeates our surroundings. Be strongly aware that someone wants to hinder that fact, take you off your course with Jesus and take you away from your security.
But if you breathe in and breathe out Jesus, He is ever surrounding you and living inside you, protecting your every move. He IS your every breath of eternal life! There is no cause for alarm but to look to heaven and praise Him. Worship the fact that He is right there with you all through your journey!!!
The enemy is good at camouflaging himself. He is hiding and lurking amidst the shadows, cunningly, to throw you and throw me off our game and then shallow or deplete our breath in Christ.
Colossians 2:10 tells us, ” He (Jesus) is the head over every power and authority.”
And note this: we can be assured that the enemy has no power over us! He just wants to mess with our minds. But remember this always and practice it out loud right this moment: breathe in JESUS, breathe out, breathe in Jesus, Breathe in Jesus, breathe in Jesus, Breathe in Jesus, breathe in Jesus!
Keep this fresh on your heart each day!!!
Yes, the enemy spawns his deception all around you through each day, but stay clear of him, his lies and deceit and speak the NAME OF JESUS out loud in your breath. God has made you stable and invincible because of Jesus Christ.