March 14, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

God may be giving some of us explicit directions today to do something. Are you listening closely to the Holy Spirit guiding you? Are you following after what God is speaking to you? Or are you demonstrating a spirit of blatant disobedience???
“Pray that the Lord your God will tell us where we should go and what we should do.” (Jeremiah 42:3)
The keyword in this scripture is that we are to pray…All the time! Ask for God’s guidance in deciding what you should do.
We all have questioned ourselves at one time or another asking, “Should I really do this?” And then when God answers or says yes, we act as though we didn’t hear anything. Then we question ourselves wondering, did I ultimately want to do it in the first place anyway?
Every time we ask God to show us what to do, as in a specific situation, we also need to ask him to help us do it!
All over The Bible,  we see scriptures starting off with, “God said….”
May we take heed when we know He tells us to do something and then we don’t. Something may be about to happen that’s not good. Listen to His voice today. Read scripture. Pray!
“For him who knows to do good and doesn’t do it, to him it is sin.” (James 4:17)
With one statement, God removed the darkness from the earth when He said, “let there be light.” Then the mysterious power of light was born. Wow, God puts together so much in what He says. Listen and do what He speaks to you through His Word. Please get your power from getting into prayer and from the Word for your answers today.
We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. 🙏🏼