March 13, 2025

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Pause today in the presence of your Lord. Look at God with a fresh perspective and resolve that no matter what, you will not believe any lies today that come from below. Follow truth in the light of our Savior as God leads you.

I used to look in the mirror, staring at my face and body parts that I was not happy with and wondered why I didn’t look as good as other women I admired, like Miss America, models, and movie stars. I thought some were absolutely beautiful, but when I looked at them compared to them, I was never happy. I saw every flaw and blemish and oddity on myself as a young teenager. Everything I disliked about me stuck out in the mirror like a flashing light bulb and made me feel unattractive. I would hide from showing my real face as I got older. I’d cover it all up with tons of makeup and cover my body with clothes. I believed the lie telling me I was not a beautiful creation of God. I was not as good as He created others to be.

Finding Christ, I had to become hyper-aware of the fact that my beauty did not come from my outer appearance. It came from God’s inner magnificent creation, which He formed in my mother’s womb. Was I calling God a failure when I didn’t accept the truth of how He created me? Was I disrespectful to Him when I felt He didn’t make me as good or as pretty as I saw others to be?

“Ohhhh, Kimberly!!!!” It is only through Jesus and His Word of truth that can speak into my heart and hear God’s truth. God is the One who will speak the truth that I will believe about myself. And I’ve done just that! And I declared it in a humble way!

Now, as the creation I am in Christ, the new me has been restored, and all that should matter to me is

None of us can ever face the real truth until we use the Name of Jesus to bring the truth to our mind. Speak the declarations from His Word humbly. Tell God every concern that was a lie from hell. As Him to rest upon you and ask Him to fill you with His beauty. You will see it emerge before your eyes.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6)

I could never do what I do today in Gods ministry if I carried the lie I believed from long ago. I had to release it to God. I read God’s Word and hid it in my heartbeat.

“You are Gods masterpiece, created a new in Christ Jesus to do the very good things He planned for you long ago.”(Ephesians 2:10)

You are beautiful in His sight…

“I praise you for I am fearfully and WONDERFULLY made.” (Psalm 139:14)

And now, there is no more deception about how I look. Nothing the enemy can say will ever speak his lies to me again . They roll off me.

I love how God created me. I embrace my longer nose, my mouth which had bigger lips, my wide hips and any imperfections. I’m “imperfectly perfect” as I heard someone once say. I can now walk in truth knowing how much God loves me and how He formed me intricately in my mothers womb.

“For you formed my innermost parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (Psalm 139:13)

He makes no mistakes, He is God. He will use me and He will use you if you let Him. And I will produce Godly fruit in my life no matter what my exterior looks like. Will you be used by God?