March 12, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

I once heard the phrase;
 “Words when spoken are like feathers: They are easily scattered but not so easily gathered.”
Are you guarding your tongue in your day-to-day behavior? Our speech has also been compared to an arrow: “Once the words are released, they cannot be recalled, in the harm they do, cannot be stopped or predicted. Words are like arrows, they go astray.
We don’t need to speak a whole lot of words when we speak the truth.
We can often with our words, make a scar that deeper then silence can ever heal. Guard your tongues. The Bible instructs us to do so.
“If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.” (James 1:26)
I very much dislike when people say something that is hurtful and say they “were only kidding” or “I really didn’t mean it.”  I think to myself, then why in the world did you say it? The Bible labels that person as a fool. One may think they are joking but when pain and insult is inflicted, it hurts and we are not honoring God with our tongues.
Please speak your words in kindness today and remember how far God will take them into the hearts of others.
Matthew 12:37 is a great scripture if you are able to look it up. We will all face all of our words one day. Use them wisely sweet women of God. ❤️