March 1, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Do you feel a freshness encompassing you today? Is there movement in your life with Christ?
Living water, life-giving water! I can write about this all day long. God has placed my husband’s and my new home with my personal office right in front of a river. I now have the privilege of meditating on God and His Word as I stare outside at His amazing creation in an area surrounding our new home.
God’s truth of living water comes alive in my heart every single day as my eyes take this view in! My husband and I named our home, “Living Waters Cove.” We recently moved here 2 months ago believing this will be a place of hope and healing for many. We are excited and anticipate God will bring many here for retreat and rest and may they get to be part of the inspirational moments that will come out of this place and space on earth.
Jesus said, “Believe in me so that rivers of living water will burst out from within you, flowing from your innermost being, just like the scripture says!” (John 7:38)
This metaphor comes to life for me from this scripture as I sit here in awe each day and write with Jesus and study deeper into His Word and get to view this gorgeous scenery.
Whenever we look upon living water, it is flowing and fresh, right?! Just like when Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and found there a well of flowing, LIVING water. (Genesis 26:19)
“Living water” in the physical realm is water that is flowing and fresh from a running stream. I see it each morning as its motion and freshness resemble life to me. It’s definitely a contrast to stagnant water that has no movement at all. We as believers have streams of living water flowing through our bodies! Isn’t it a wonderful reality to think of this as opposed to being a muddy, bacteria filled or sin infested, paralyzed person? You are not that!
The Hebrew word for “flowing” in Genesis 26:19 is chay. Chay means alive or living and when chay describes water, it means flowing and fresh. I learned about this as I dug deep into God’s word and found out more about the meaning of where He blessed me to live (right on chay, living water!)
In the Bible, living water in the physical sense implies freshness, movement, and life and with seeing this movement each day it reminds me how alive in Christ I truly am. Even when I’m feeling tired, down or discouraged I am blessed to look outside my window and Praise God for the moving water that reminds me I am alive in Him.
This Living water God talks about is a spiritual blessing and it brings life-giving power to each of us!
As you look at this river I am posting below or you look at any flowing body of water, always remember, God is the source, our source — God is the fountain, our fountain — the Living Water for His people.  Jesus, the Son of God, is the Giver of Living Water!
I’m reminded that unlike the idols, lusts, and material things I once longed for and what the world seeks to satisfy and thirsts with, the living water that Jesus gives me SATISFIES MY THIRSTS. It springs up in me to eternal life.
May you hold onto and remember this as well… The living water that Jesus gives us, overflows in us and blesses others.
There is so so much to write about this water but just one more thing I’d love to share is that rivers of “Living Water” also represent the Holy Spirit’s presence and His power poured out on Jesus’ followers. Are you a Jesus follower? The Spirit’s presence point us to His cleansing and sanctifying work in the hearts of God’s children.
I am convinced God is going to do mighty works in this place through the POWER of the Holy Spirit movement! And when people come here and retreat and set eyes upon this river and rest in God, they will be refreshed and renewed in Him. It is my husband and my prayer. Do you want to come?
Jesus, is our internal spring, our stream of LIVING water, and through the Holy Spirit, He comes to live inside all who come to faith in Him.