We are here as Women World Leaders to encourage one another to take action on the “calling of God” over our lives.
Some of us won’t take action because we are full of fear. We are like the Cowardly Lion in the Wizard of Oz, right? I saw myself there at one point in my life, because of something called unworthiness. We are afraid of losing our reputation or maybe of being rejected or not able to be perfect.
There is a verse of scripture in Revelation that tells us the cowardly and unbelieving are all in the lake of fire. (Revelation 21:15)
Dear woman of God, this last verse is NOT God’s ordained future for you. You ate not cowardly. You are not unbelieving. God’s word tells us that “The righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1)
Women World Leaders, you are “bold” as a lion.
This next portion of scripture is one we frequently use here at WWL’S and has been on the back cover of Voice of Truth magazine.
“It states there is a roar coming out of Zion, and it is going to come from that great company of women who will boldly bring the good news to the earth through their gifts, talents, wisdom, and creativity.” (Psalm 68:11 HCSB)
Supernatural boldness causes you to confront the things that come against Jesus and His Name. It’s OK to admit we are scared much of the time, or feel like you are unworthy, but you can ask God to give you the boldness you need to open your mouth for Him. He will do the rest!
I’m here to encourage you, because I did this. I was afraid and felt unworthy but I asked God for His courage to be in me and give me a Supernatural boldness I can’t explain. Of course, He gave it. Let go of the “familiar” My sweet sisters and step out in unknown terrains with faith and with boldness that God gives.
May God give you His divine guidance as you take “action” over your calling.