July 5, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Finding Jesus

I can’t seem to get over Jesus. I find it very difficult. Impossible!

All my life I wondered if I could ever feel important, worthy and loved. I never thought I would find someone that could satisfy my heart and soul. 

In August 2014, I made the best decision of my life. I would let Jesus into my heart. For me, it was a supernatural encounter. I got saved accepting Christ as my personal Savior, I was rescued and I was given a new life. It was like my heart burst wide open.

Did I become a perfect human? No way…But my heart was perfectly set on Him. I felt true love for the first time. 

Of course, I had to go through hard things. It was those hard things that led me to Jesus, and my ability to see Him. Sometimes we need to become so broken and alone that all we can see is Jesus. For me, that meant I had to become completely stripped of everything in my life. I had to be alone, and all distractions removed. 

When you see Jesus for who He really is, you see what you never thought you would see. You see the real treasure.

 Knowing Jesus and being with Him is better than any life I could design or imagine for myself. Did Paul honestly believe that knowing Jesus was better than “all things?” 

Paul modeled a beautiful prayer for us in scripture – Ephesians 1:17: “I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better.”

Knowing Jesus is the point of the Christian life. Jesus is enough. Those who see Him clearly know that He is enough. He is the real treasure. 

The Pearl!

Connie Van Horn