July 27, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


What does it mean to empower someone while in the faith?

God provides the ‘Power’ to live the Christian life. And God has given us the Holy Spirit ‘IN’ us to lead, guide, direct and empower us for His Will. And we get to choose to empower others with that guidance. 

I don’t believe we can have the ‘fullness’ of God’s love and empower others to walk in it without a sound mind or until we accept the forgiveness Jesus gives us through the cross and then the leading of the Holy Spirit Who abides “IN” us.

Can we put the “Power” where it belongs in our lives and then share it with others?

Jesus PAID the “Blood Price” to take our sins away on the Cross over two thousand years ago. 

We cannot do it within our own power. (Romans 8:13)

It is getting “our wills” in line with God’s Will in and for our lives, and we won’t know what God’s will is unless we are “in the Word-Jesus Christ”. 

“For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, then we taste his abundant life.” (Romans 8:13)

When the dynamic empowerment is unleashed from within us because we taste the abundant life, we are able to help encourage others by God’s strength from within and not our own weak humanity.