July 23, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


🌿✨ Let go and let God work His miracle ✨🌿

This life can be crushing at times. It’s easy to feel like everything is falling apart. But we can remember this: God is always with us, ready to rebuild and restore every broken thing if we let Him.

It is impossible to imagine all God has planned for our lives and just as impossible to see where we’re headed with all He is going to do. Many times, when we least expect, He is carrying us through what we don’t even see …

God has more in store for you than you can even imagine! Our ministry life verse,

Ephesians 3:20 says it all! Beyond what we can think or imagine.

We get so fixed on planning out our lives and trying to control every little detail yet in the end it never goes as planned. I’m sure we can all relate to that. 

With this uncontrollable desire to control everything comes the worry and fear. However, God’s plan for us is far better than any plan we can ever think of on our own. Let this Bible verse remind you to always pray for His will and His plan.

“Do not lose hope, for His plans for you are far greater than you can imagine. Trust in His timing and His ways, and watch as He transforms your struggles into something beautiful.”

So surrender your worries and fears to Him, and have faith that He will turn your brokenness into strength. Trust in His promise of restoration, for He is the ultimate healer and fixer of all things. God will rebuild and restore every broken thing if you let Him. 

Writer: Connie Van Horn