July 2, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Who we choose to communicate with daily can have major effects on our lives, would you agree? Some are encouraging while others could be very “dis” couraging!

Do you believe your conversations with God are important? I can most probably answer correctly for you. Of course, they are!

According to Scripture, communication has everything to do with faith. God spoke the world into being with the power of His voice. And as we grow in our faith and communicate daily with God, so too can our words build worlds, shape our identities, our relationships, and our social worlds. We can make a difference by having daily conversation with our Heavenly Father through faith!

We need to understand how very important it is to believe that communication with God through Jesus Christ in prayer is important for many reasons.

Strength: Prayer can help people feel close to God as their source of strength, even when they’re making mistakes.

Forgiveness: Prayer can give us that courage we need to confess our sins and seek His forgiveness.

Transformation: Prayer can also change hearts and help us become more like Jesus.

Peace: Through prayer, we can invite more peace into our lives.

Guidance: Prayer can help us learn more about God’s plan for our lives.

Faith: Scripture suggests that talking to God is connected to faith and belief that God hears us.

So many reasons point us to why we should talk to God regularly.

(Psalm 19:14) “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”