July 17, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Because of Jesus, we get to experience the goodness of God. I catch myself daydreaming in my office oftentimes as I gaze outside into the beauty of my surroundings.

What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen? It could be a waterfall, a flower, an animal, human life being born… I have news! Even if you combined the most incredible things you’ve ever seen, they would still not compare to the beauty of our Lord. 

God’s beauty is magnified in so many ways: His perfection, His holiness, His love, His purity, and how majestic He is. The list goes on; actually, how can we ever describe enough of the goodness of God? We can’t. 

David said, “You are my Lord, apart from you I have no good thing.” (Psalm 16:2)

The Bible tells us to taste and see that the Lord is good. It also encourages us to take refuge in the Lord. Psalm 34!

As I sit here writing in my office and stare out my window, my mind can’t even comprehend the depths of God’s beauty and His love. So what do I do? I Praise Him! I just start listing everything my mind can think of, stating who He Is to my heart. The more we praise God, ladies, the more He will manifest in our lives!

Because of Jesus and His goodness your eyes will be open to more and more things as you praise His Holy Name in everything you see and everything you are able to do! Give God the glory! He alone deserves all your praise.