July 15, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 


Matthew 6:34: “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Time is of the essence. Age creeps up on you. Your bones start to hurt, your energy level starts to dwindle, and you start thinking about how much time you may have left to do the things you haven’t done.

Our time here on earth is not calculated by our age for not any one of us is guaranteed to reach the golden years. Some are taken away too soon, not reaching their full potential here on earth, leaving us with many unanswered questions. Let us look at every day as a gift and an opportunity to appreciate the good fortunes of blessings that God has provided us with.

Tomorrow is not a given, but today, as the light shines through our windows, we are reminded of the grace of God and the chance He’s given us to make an impact in someone else’s life. It’s not about us and what we’ve accomplished in life but about the lives we’ve touched through God’s prompting. It’s about the love we’ve shown to others, all in the name of a Father whose love is unconditional and always available.

With eyes wide open, please don’t fall short in realizing what the Lord can do and how He can use you. Be aware of God’s movement, and don’t let the challenges stop you from striving toward God’s best. Don’t let your mind tell you that you can’t – when God tells you that you can! Truth says we can do all things through God, who instills in us the power and strength to overcome all trials and adversities. 

Live life to the fullest and enjoy each day, knowing that God is a part of it. May He be alive and present and glowing through you.