January 9, 2024

by Kimberly Hobbs 

Guest writer: Laurie Sammarco
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 )
“All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
God’s word is pure and His truth speaks through His Spirit and His Word from the Bible.  Anything that goes against His word and contradicts His truth is a LIE!
The more we saturate our minds with His truth the closer our walk with God will be and the quicker His word reveals the truth to us.
Satan is the father of lies and all those lies that have been targeted at you don’t stand a chance against God’s truth and love.
Any lies can be quickly revealed if we are girded with the belt of truth. God will prepare our minds to detect lies before they have a chance to cause any harm, ask Him to do this. His word is the knowledge we gain when seeking His truth. We can then be prepared and effective in fighting against the lies and trials we face and be able to defend who God is and what He means to us.
God’s word is the glue that holds us together and gives us the capability to stand strong so that all the lies, insecurities, anxiousness, fear, and doubt fall at His feet. His grace encircles us and allows us to feel His peace. That peace and joy that is unleashed when we submit our cares to the Lord is what carries and equips us. We will then be strong in the face of adversity. It is our sharpened weapon that protects us from the sin of this world and embodies us to be victorious warriors! So, step in faith, don’t look back, and proceed with the assurance that the Lord is fighting your battles.